My Super Simple Health Tips
1. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.
Sometimes we simply eat so quickly that we don’t give ourselves enough time to listen to our hunger/fullness cues. Other times, we graze on food all day just because we’re tired, bored, or even thirsty. And I know there are lots of “rules” out there about what to eat and when—such as eating five small meals a day or employing intermittent fasting—but no good comes from eating when you’re full and avoiding food when you’re famished. Plus, don’t forget that it’s okay to be hungry! If you’re constantly snacking or overeating, you’ll put so much energy into digestion that your body will never have time do any “housecleaning” through its various detoxification processes.
MY TIP: Stop eating when you’re 80% full and eat slower. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to understand that you’re full!
2. See food as fuel.
Once I became more educated about nutrition, I started seeing food in a totally different way. I didn’t focus so much on calories so much as I did on the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients I was getting from different foods. As a result, I started structuring meals and snacks based on what my body needed throughout the day. I’d pick Greek yogurt instead of plain yogurt if I felt like I didn’t get enough protein that day, for example. Or I’d add some beans to my salad if I felt like my body needed a bit more fibre. Choosing particular foods for what they contain is an easy way to create a well-balanced diet for yourself.
MY TIP: Focus on getting sufficient amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates, fibre, vegetables, antioxidants, healthy fats (especially omega-3 fatty acids), and water into your day. If you have a breakfast that’s mostly carbohydrates, for example, focus on having a lunch that contains more protein and healthy fats to achieve balance.
3. Know what foods make you feel like crap and avoid them.

4. Set your alarm earlier.

5. Go to bed earlier, too.

6. Don’t unnecessarily tempt yourself.

7. Eat real food.