Well, this is it, we are stepping into what can best be described as the largest psychology experiment in human history. To be sure, nothing going forward from January 20th, 2025 will be the status quo to us. It’s all going to change and acknowledging that, as painful as it may be, is the first step in preparing ourselves for what’s to come.
This is Just a Chapter Darling, Not the Whole Story
When I left my marriage, I knew the road ahead would be difficult (how difficult I could not foresee), but knowing who I was divorcing gave me some insight. Three days after I left, I wrote these words to him: “I have made a conscious decision that I will only conduct myself with kindness, respect, and empathy as we work through this, and when I cannot do that, I will refrain from responding to you until I can follow those guidelines.” This intention I set helped guide me through the most difficult times, even when I wanted nothing more than to lash out in rage. It also cemented for me that I could not control how he would behave, only how I would. I sleep well at night knowing I stayed true to my word.

I am doing the same thing now. Collectively, we know things are going to be challenging, but we also know that nothing lasts forever as much as it may feel it will. This is a chapter in human history, and it is upon each of us now to decide how we will conduct ourselves as things far beyond our control and comprehension unfold. We are, and I realize this may sound dramatic to some, heading into dark times. The only thing we can control is how this journey will shape us.
To move through this though, there are two things we must hold on to for dear life: our values and the truth. This is what will determine how we sleep the rest of our lives; with a clear conscience or a heavy heart.
Our values remind us that every human being requires dignity. We are equal. Everyone deserves shelter, nourishment, and love. And if for some bizarre reason these are not your values, then the algorithm has brought you to the wrong place. These principles should be the bedrock of our humanity, of the civilized and progressive society we long for, and holding them close to our heart will guide us through the uncertainty ahead.

Equally important is that we must hold on to the truth. And that’s going to become increasingly difficult. This is why we must be vigilant in defending it.
There is a famous psychology experiment I remember learning about in Psyc 101, known as the Asch Experiment, and it has been living in my head recently rent free. In this study, one person is placed in a room with five others who are all in on the test. The group of six is shown five lines of varying lengths on the wall and asked which line is the longest. The five in on the experiment, deliberately give the wrong answer. At first the one unwitting participant chooses the correct line, but over time, they eventually fall in line with the group, even though they know the answer is blatantly false. We are, essentially now living through this experiment.
Each of us will soon find ourselves in a room, either digitally or face-to-face, with people who want to tell us that what we see, what we know to be true, is not. To some extent we’ve been already been living in this test. But now, with a massive shift of power to one side, things will become much more intense. World events, misinformation, and AI-driven narratives will shape an alternate reality, where you may find people that you were positive shared your values and grasp on reality saying things you never expected. Whether they believe it or not, the pressure to conform will be immense. History has also shown us countless examples of groupthink gone awry.

What’s important to remember here though is that this can work both ways. Your strength and resolve can inspire others to stay true. We need to virtually and as often as possible, physically, clasp hands and stay strong in our convictions. Always upholding the truth.
And while it’s not rooted in psychology per se, I can’t help but also think about the Mandela Effect. A trippy phenomenon that can bend your brain, The Mandela Effect, is where large groups of people remember events that didn’t occur. Do you recall Henry VIII holding a turkey leg? I certainly do, but there is no historical evidence to confirm this. And I mean, Darth Vader definitely said, “Luke, I’m your father”, right? Except that he didn’t. He actually said, “No, I am your father.” While this has left me scratching my head many times, it’s been more amusing than dangerous. But we are about to see the Mandela Effect being manipulated. Collectively we’ll remember it, but there may not be evidence to support our memory.

We are entering an era of mass intentional manipulation of events. Consider the recent actions surrounding TikTok. Trump began the push to ban TikTok, citing national security, yet now, he positions himself as the platform’s saviour with the announcement pictured below. This rewriting of history is not incidental. It’s strategic, reshaping collective memory. The danger lies in how easily our understanding of events can be altered. If this can happen with TikTok, what’s to stop the manipulation of other major historical events? Watch how quickly January 6th events are reframed.

Trump is far from our only problem though. On January 17, 2025, the Canadian government, alongside other G7 nations, released a statement exposing Russian state media outlet RT and the Social Design Agency for conducting covert influence campaigns. These entities, under direction of the Kremlin, have been accused of manipulating social and political issues to polarize societies, undermine governments, and divert attention from Russia’s war in Ukraine. The statement emphasizes the serious threat posed by foreign disinformation campaigns and highlights the need for global cooperation to counter these efforts. The democracy we value is at risk, which is why truth will be the most valuable thing we possess.

Over the next few years we will begin to notice things we’ve long remembered like facts, history, and even cultural touchstones, seemingly disappear or appear altered. Searching for information we know to be true may yield nothing, as the ability to manipulate digital information grows. This is why analog tools, like books and encyclopedias, are so important. They preserve what cannot be easily altered or erased. Yes, libraries are crucial.
And as much as we should be doing our best to hold on to books and analog tools as records of our shared humanity, we should also be keeping personal journals and records. Be sure to document your own history. Write down your experiences, your truths, and your reflections on the world around you. These records will serve as anchors, reminders of what was real before reality became distorted. Journals not only preserve your story for future generations but also provide us with clarity and a sense of control in uncertain times. They are powerful tools in the fight to hold on to truth.
And while we prepare for challenges, remember that joy is an act of rebellion. Not the toxic positivity kind of joy, but what I think of as chaotic hope. I don’t feel it all the time, but it shows up when I need it. I find joy in a dry joke cracked at a seriously inappropriate moment, or in the embrace of a really solid hug. Joy is found in a good book, an old movie, a long walk, or snuggling with my goofy dogs. These moments may be small but the impact is huge. This type of joy or hope refuses to bow down to despair and is found in the cracks between assault after assault on our senses. Remind yourself at every turn that nothing lasts forever, not even the darkness. Finding moments of joy, however small, will remind you of your strength and your capacity to endure.

It’s also more important than ever to ensure our relationships with others are analog as well. Kick things old school and sign up for a community class, head to the library, and meet friends for coffee. Find and nurture conversations with people who align with your values and who are also committed to seeking the truth. Together, you can keep each other grounded.
And most importantly, disconnect when you need to. Take deep breaths. Reach out to others when you feel the ground shifting under your feet. These moments will remind you of what is real and what is worth fighting for. The foreseeable future promises to challenge us, and the way forward is not to waste time longing for the past but rather accepting the reality we’re in and adjusting how we move forward to make things better.